Senin, 23 November 2009

Reflection/Who am i as a learner/Sufyan Suri/Midtest3

Who Am I as A Learner?

I am a learner and always will be learner. Of course, not only me, but every human was born to the world to become a learner. Can you imagine how we can become like now from a baby, adolescence to adult? It’s has a process, and that process is learning. Learner is a character for every human, and every human have to know their ability in learning.

Actually each of us has different perception about learning methods, and we have different concepts in learning. Howard Gardner in his multiple intelligences theory said that there were so many aspects in human intelligence, personality and behavior. He divides our skills in learning to seven Multiple Intelligences like linguistic, logical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and auditory (musical). So, we can conclude every human have different concepts in learning.

The most important question is who am I as a learner? Absolutely, I am still difficult to describe who I am as a learner. As a learner, I still confused about myself. Sometimes, I am feel enjoy when I learn something with uses picture or graphs, or viewing an illustration will make me more understand about something. Am I a visual? Sometimes, I feel more focus and also understand in the class if my teachers have good ability in speak when they explain subjects in front of the class. Am I an auditory? So, is it possible that I am a visual and also an auditory?

As a learner, I always try to be better person than before. I always try to searching new knowledge, because the most essential thing from a learner is always increase the experience and also the knowledge in life. That is me as a learner. And now, I would like to ask to you, who you are as a learner?

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