Selasa, 24 November 2009

Who am i as a learner?/Beby Lokita Salsabila/2009120032/iell 3

Who am I as a learner?

Everyone in the world has a dream to be successful. Education is one of important things to get it. Students and teachers as actors of education need to know about the learning styles to make each dream come true.
According to the theory of Georgi Lozanov in his book “Quantum Learning”, there are three kinds of learning styles; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. He said that each learning style has own characteristic. Visual learning style that involves the use of seen or observe, including drawing, diagrams, films, etc, and the good method for this learners are took them directly into the object associated and drawing everything on the paper. Auditory learning style involves the transfer of information such as listening like to spoken word, of self or other, of sounds and noises. People who have this characteristic are learning with listening and reading with loud voiced. The last is kinesthetic learning style that involves physical experience like touching, feeling, holding, doing, and practical hands. The characteristic of kinesthetic people are touching the people to get their attention and learning through practice. Based on the theory, I think I have all characteristic. I often see the body language and facial expression of my teachers. See pictures, diagrams, films, moving discussion and listen to what teacher say, all of that can make me understand the lesson material.
Over all, even though I can feel that I have one strong character, but I have to make my audio, visual, and kinesthetic be balanced. And all of the theories of learning styles by Georgy Lozanov are very useful fir students to help them to find their good method of learning.

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