Sabtu, 21 November 2009


October 5th 2009

What an Impressive Day!

October 5th 2009 was the first day I got lecture in Sampoerna School of Education (SSE). IELL 1 is my lecture on every Monday through this first term. Madam Kun Herrini is my lecturer of IELL 1, 2, and 3. My first impression for her is just defined in a word “great”. She is a great teacher for us. And I think all people will say the same word when they meet her.
My class consists by sixteen students, specifically twelve girls and four boys. I was so surprised when I felt the atmosphere of my first lecture in SSE. I felt so interested with my teacher’s study method. It was fun, we studied about personal information. We were in pair and we told each other’s personal information. My couple in this event was Arum Febriani. I shared my personal information to her and so did she. After that, each student shared their couple’s personal information in front of class. I taught my lecturer applied this method in ordered to make the students speak more. That was genius idea.
In the middle of lecture, a woman came to my class. She is Hillary Smith, an attractive New Zealander who told us about her life, experiences, ethnic and culture. She told us that she often taught students in many countries around the world. So that she knows about the education in many countries. She said that she appreciates and admires Indonesian’s ethnic, culture and especially Indonesian food. She also told us about languages around the world. I did not know why I feel very proud of my country after she said that she admires Indonesia. I taught I will miss her and we will meet again next time. She said “terima kasih” to us and it was so funny when she said it in New Zealand’s accent.
We forgot if the time was up because of its fun and interesting. Finally, I felt if it’s the first step for me to chase my dream. I always wait for next challenging lecture.

Noviandari Lina, 2009120028

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