Sabtu, 21 November 2009

As a Learner/Multika Lega Problema/MID-3

Who am I as a Learner?

               Everyone is different in many things, including in educational life. A successful educational process aims at the match between teachers and students. That is why everyone has to know learning styles of students and teaching styles of teachers.
               Psychologists and teaching specialists such as Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham, Stillman and Montessori developed the learning styles at 1920s. They said that the learning styles could be categorized as three kinds; visual, auditory and kinesthetic (
               Visual learners learn by seeing. They learn well when they write down the information after they see the information. They listen better when they have an eye contact. Auditory learners learn by listening. They are strong interpreters of voice inflection, tone, rhythm and rate of a speaker. They enjoy a quite situation in large classroom setting. Kinesthetic learners learn by using multisensory strategies or a hand-on approach, because they interpret information through their senses of self in space.
               Focusing on my learning styles, I get information from my seeing and listening. Since I was child, I faced by many visual things. In my last schools, most of my teachers wrote some materials on the board, while the students took a note and focused to those materials. When my teachers explained while walking around the class, the situation demanded my sight to follow where the teachers walked around because by paying attention and writing down my teacher’s explanation made me efficient in studying.
               In my conclusion, based on three learning styles above, like visual, auditory and kinesthetic which have each characteristics, I incline to categorize myself as a visual and auditory learner.


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