Minggu, 29 November 2009

who am i as a learner/arum febriani/2009110029/iell3

Who am I as a Learner?

People in the world need education to survive the life and follow the world development. There are many ways to deliver education. One of ways is the formal learning which needs interaction between teacher and students. There are some learning styles to make effective interaction in the learning process.

Based on Dr. Georgi Lozanov’s theory, on his book which title is Quantum Learning, there are three kinds of learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). Each learning style has specific thing that makes different with another. Visual learner has specific thing in the visualization. They talk rather quickly, give more attention to their performance, prefer read to listen, prefer music to art, usually use the chart, diagram, and picture to remember the matter. Auditory learner has specific thing, it is about what they hear. They often say alone, prefer hear to read the matter, prefer the direct humor to read comic, and have problem about visualization. Then, the kinesthetic learner has specific style, they learn through moving, touching, and doing.

According to the theory, I classify myself as a visual learner. I usually use the diagram and picture to memorize the matter although I cannot draw picture well. I make a complete note to get more information about the matter. Besides that, I prefer read to listen the matter because by reading I can get more information that I need and my brain gets many knowledge. On the other hand, my auditory and kinesthetic ability are low, whereas each person has to match all of learning styles.

After knowing learning styles, we have to effort to develop and match all of learning styles in our self so that we are able to do our learning well. Then, we can do activity based on each learning style to make learning process effectively.

Name : Arum Febriani

ID Number : 2009110029

Mathematics Major

IELL 3 mid Test

Selasa, 24 November 2009

summary/beby lokita salsabila/2009120032/iell1


An oven is an enclosed compartment for heating or baking. It is commonly uses in pottery are also known as kilns. In cooking it uses for roasting and heating.

There are two kinds of oven, conventional oven and microwave oven. In conventional oven heat energy produced by heat source heats up the air in the oven first, then the air with the heat emitted from the heat source will heat the wall where the food and the top of the food, then the heat will spread to the inside of the food.

Microwave ovens emit electromagnetic waves of energy through the food directly and then heat the food from the inside. Thus, the cooking becomes more efficient, and the nutritional value of food can be more awake because the food did not experience excessive heating. The created by Dr. Percy Spencer in 1946 has now spread around the world.





summary/evik dwi priagung/2009110028/iell1

Summary of Gas Stove

Gas stove is a stove that uses gas fuel is propane and methane. Not like stoves that use fuel oil, gas stove more practical and efficient because it does not cause smoke, although the function of the same stove for cooking. Previously, the gas stove was heavy and expensive that only some people are able to use it. But now, many people who use gas stoves, especially after the government gave a gas stove freely to cope with fuel dwindling. In addition, how to maintain the gas stove was not difficult as any other stove. If we use it every day, we also have to clean it every day. And needs to remember not to get wet gas cooker or sauce because it can make a gas stove work was not optimal (disturbed flame).


· http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_stove

· http://www.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://www.electrolux.co.id/Files/Indonesia/productimage/kompor_portable/EHG7720X.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.electrolux.co.id/node38.aspx%3FproductId%3D14276&h=255&w=255&sz=8&tbnid=ZUv_SDzlIIOHZM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkompor%2Bgas&hl=id&usg=__nafV0GtlWvNS9LTpV0MNnTqeDHY=&ei=nbwDS7VO2JKRBZC9hLgB&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=7&ct=image&ved=0CBYQ9QEwBg

· http://food.detik.com/read/2009/10/22/104020/1226265/291/merawat-kompor-gas

Created By:

Evik Dwi Priagung



who am i as a learner?/evik dwi priagung/2009110028/iell3


Everyone in the world has different ways to be successful. It also applies for education. Students have different learning style to increase his/her ability and to show his/her characteristics in education. So, students can feel confident in facing difficulties.

Based on the theory of Dr. Georgi Lozanov in the book entitled Quantum learning, there are three kinds of learning styles. They are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. Everyone have a different way of learning, According to this model, most people possess a dominant learning style, however some people have a mixed and evenly balanced blend of the three styles. Visual learning style involves the use of seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, displays, films, etc. People who are visual tend to act based on representations of how things “look” and “appear”. Their descriptions of the world and of their experiences tend to be based on how things look not how they feel or sound. Auditory learning style involves the transfer of information through listening: to the spoken word, of sounds and noises. People who are auditory tend to act based on representations they make to themselves about how things “sound” to them. Kinesthetic learning involves physical experience - touching, feeling, holding, doing, and practical hands-on experiences. People who are kinesthetic tend to act based on how things “feel” to them.

I included those belonging to the visual and kinesthetic. But, sometimes I am an auditory people. I feel comfortable to learn when I saw the direct object or an activity, such as learning English, I am more comfortable learning with a form of drama rather than listening, and I also feel comfortable to learn mathematics as graphics or tables available than math problems consisting of many words said.

Created by:
Evik Dwi Priagung (Mathematic)

Who am i as a learner?/Beby Lokita Salsabila/2009120032/iell 3

Who am I as a learner?

Everyone in the world has a dream to be successful. Education is one of important things to get it. Students and teachers as actors of education need to know about the learning styles to make each dream come true.
According to the theory of Georgi Lozanov in his book “Quantum Learning”, there are three kinds of learning styles; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. He said that each learning style has own characteristic. Visual learning style that involves the use of seen or observe, including drawing, diagrams, films, etc, and the good method for this learners are took them directly into the object associated and drawing everything on the paper. Auditory learning style involves the transfer of information such as listening like to spoken word, of self or other, of sounds and noises. People who have this characteristic are learning with listening and reading with loud voiced. The last is kinesthetic learning style that involves physical experience like touching, feeling, holding, doing, and practical hands. The characteristic of kinesthetic people are touching the people to get their attention and learning through practice. Based on the theory, I think I have all characteristic. I often see the body language and facial expression of my teachers. See pictures, diagrams, films, moving discussion and listen to what teacher say, all of that can make me understand the lesson material.
Over all, even though I can feel that I have one strong character, but I have to make my audio, visual, and kinesthetic be balanced. And all of the theories of learning styles by Georgy Lozanov are very useful fir students to help them to find their good method of learning.

Who am I as a learner?/Nurul Fitri Hadyani/2009120029/IELL3

Who am I as a learner?

Everyone in the World is born with differences. For example, each individual has different learning styles. Each needs to know about the learning styles. In order to, learn things effectively and efficiently.

Based on the theory by Georgi lezanov issued in his book with title “Quantum Learning”. There are three types of learning styles; they are visual, auditory and kinesthetic styles. He said that each individual has different learning styles. Learners with visual learning style usually learn by looking at the object, such as pictures, diagrams, charts, plots, animations, etc. Auditory learning styles are more likely to listen to the voice in the learning process, such as the words spoken and the other voice. Kinesthetic learning styles learn through moving, thinking, touching, and doing activities. Visual learners prefer seeing what they were studying. Their eyes always follow the object being studied. When learning through pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films to help each understand and remember ideas more easily than lengthy explanations. Auditory learners understand and remember much of what he/she heard then said same. Kinesthetic learners not always be quiet when learned, for example when the teacher explained he/she was always doing activities like wrote what the teacher said, shaking a pen, etc.

I included into visual Learners, because I always easier to remember what I learned when that lesson punctuated by pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, demonstrations, etc. Sometimes I can create a mental picture of what the person talking describes.

Georgi Lezanov theory, introduce the learning styles that we use in our own. It can help teacher for understand what students need. So, teachers can adjust their teaching styles with learning styles that students use.

Nurul Fitri Hadyani



The toaster is typically a small electric kitchen appliance designed to toast multiple types of bread products. A typical modern two-slice toaster draws anywhere between 600 and 1200 W and makes toast in 1 to 3 minutes. There are also non-electrical toasters that can be used to toast bread products over an open fire or flame. A typical toaster works by heating the bread. The toasting process consists of reducing the bread's water content (originally ~35% of total weight), raising its temperature, and slightly charring its surface. Keeping the toaster clean will improve its performance. We should clean the outside of it with a soft cloth and some soapy water. Just wipe down the outside and then rinse with a soft wet cloth and wipe dry. Clean it every ones a week regularly, the result it better toasted, and ensured that the toaster has a long and productive life.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toaster


Who am I as a learner?/Meriyah/2009120030/IELL3

Who am I as a learner?

People in the world have different learning styles. Each needs to know it to develop the ability. In education, it helps students to understand the lesson efficiently. For teachers, learning styles is very useful to explore the ability of students.

There are three kinds of learning styles according to the theory of Georgi lozanov in his book "Quantum Learning". There are three methods effective learning such us visual, auditory and kinesthetic. He said that everyone has the effective learning. Visual learner has signed by glanced up the eyes and talk fast when talking. In this case teaching method should be emphasis on demonstration by picture, diagram, text book and video. Visual learner can remember something effectively by see than heard. Visual learner has criteria usually glance to left when talking. Auditory learner has learning styles can learn more quickly by using verbal discussion and listen to what teachers say. She or he can memorize more quickly by reading the text aloud and listen to the tape. Kinesthetic learner Glance down when speaking and speak more slowly. Kinesthetic learner styles is learn through moving, touching, and doing.

Including that theory, I am a visual learner. I usually read the text matter of lesson several times. Scanning is more effective for me too. I will do it if I do not have much time to read. In the other hand when the section of lesson was being on, I will write the material at first before the teacher is giving some explanations. While the teacher was speaking, I listen carefully and then write on my note book some important information that I have got from the teacher. From that little observe about myself, therefore to support my ability I always reading books regularly, especially before doing some examinations.


Senin, 23 November 2009

Recording about TV


A: Do you like watching TV?
B: Yes, I like it.
As we know, a television is one of modern culture signs. In the globalization era that will come in the next year, our status will be changed. We are not only going to become a resident of Indonesia, but also we will become the world's population because of the opened global era, so there is no longer distance that will separates our country with other countries, even continent to other continents. This condition is supported by the easy access to interstate and intercontinental which will be opened wider. Therefore, as a good citizen of the world, we should know our world. We must update various kinds of information and events that happened and discussed warmly on the world stage so that we will not miss the information and we always adjust to the developing period. How are we to be like that? That is a question that always imagined in our mind, especially in my mind. I try to find the answer of the previous question and then watching television is the simplest answer. Through the variety of news in television, I can update all information both within and outside the country very easily, be it politics, economics, education, sports, criminal, etc. So, all information is full and actual presented in television.
Through the television, I can also see the variety of programs according to my needs. By the television programs that reflect to the various internal and external problems, also their solution, I can learn to accomplish the problems in myself and my relationships with others, including the problem of romance. Because of that, I can learn how I should encounter the glad and cruel world. There is much wisdom that I can learn from those lessons. Those strongly support my development to be a wise man, clever in dealing problems and put myself in various situations.
In life, we are not forever in glad and happy situation. Sometimes, we are in sadness, boredom, resentment, fatigue and many other feelings that disturb us. When I am in such condition, television is the primary solution for me to eliminate my bad feelings. The events that have been provided by the television channels such as music, comedy are the appropriate choice to refresh ourselves.
In my conclusion, I like watching television because it is always given everything that I want to increase my living quality. It is not only useful, but also affordable for me.

Unforgettable Experience/Sufyan Suri/1

Unforgettable Experience of Beby

Beby is one of my friends in Sampoerna School of Education. She is a beautifull girl, humble, friendly and always cares to her friends. I know her firtsly, when I was join Green Group in orientation process before I became student in Sampoerna School of Education. When I saw her, she always laughed at me, because she said that I was so funny. And after that in Inauguration Ceremony, we were going to be a partner in Opera Performance of our group. I was act as Dalang and Beby as my dayang. After that performance, it was made us to be a good friend.

And now, I would like to tell you about unforgettable experience of Beby. Beby Lokita Salsabila is full name from Beby. Beby Lokita is a name from her mother, and Salsabila from her grandfather. Beby is come from a common family, her father is a sofa maker and her mother is a housewife. When she was child, Beby ever felt jealous with her friends because her friends got everything that they want, and she could not. Her friends got beautiful dolls, and he did not get it.

Now, Beby has realize that a rich families are not always become happy families. Beby always feel happy with her family. She loves her family so much, and she wants to make her family proud of her.

Jurnal entry/Sufyan Suri/1

My Journal

Jakarta, October 26th 2009

Hm, amazing, that was my expression today. Today was really a nice day. I got so many new experiences and also new things today. I learnt about how to become confident of myself when I performed something in front of the class. Yup, today our class has plan to made a talk show performance, and every students has to gave a talk show with groups. We had four groups with four students in groups.

Absolutely, I was so nervous! I really afraid to came into the class. Oh my god, I hope Mrs. Kun Herrini as our lecture forgot that today we had a special performance. But, unfortunately she knew about it. She gave a command to each of groups to prepare their performance before they do it in front of the class. She was also took some audiences from the other class to watch our group’s performance. Uh, it was really made me felt more nervous. But, I tried to make myself become enjoy.

And now turn to our group to perform after the previous groups. Our group would performance about Sufi & Vani Show. Our talk show had a story about a famous star named Rain from Korean who torturing a maid from Indonesia, named Titiah. Rain would perform by Alfa and as a maid from Indonesia perform by Titiah. Actually, our group really nervous because we realized that we did not have practice optimally.

Then, our group started our performance with opening from Vani and me as presenter. Although, there were some mistakes happen but show still go on. We tried to give the best performance as can as possible. But I felt enjoy it, and felt no nervous anymore. I was so happy, and this was a nice experience for me. And our show finished. We got some critics from Mrs. Kun about our performance. But, our groups try to accept it. And the most important things were today I got many new experiences such as how to perform in front of the class, how to become a good presenter, how to increase my pronunciation and also vocabulary, and also how to felt relax without nervous with practice regularly. And I felt so happy today, just one word, amazing!

Jurnal entry/Sufyan Suri/1

My Journal

Jakarta, October 26th 2009

Hm, amazing, that was my expression today. Today was really a nice day. I got so many new experiences and also new things today. I learnt about how to become confident of myself when I performed something in front of the class. Yup, today our class has plan to made a talk show performance, and every students has to gave a talk show with groups. We had four groups with four students in groups.

Absolutely, I was so nervous! I really afraid to came into the class. Oh my god, I hope Mrs. Kun Herrini as our lecture forgot that today we had a special performance. But, unfortunately she knew about it. She gave a command to each of groups to prepare their performance before they do it in front of the class. She was also took some audiences from the other class to watch our group’s performance. Uh, it was really made me felt more nervous. But, I tried to make myself become enjoy.

And now turn to our group to perform after the previous groups. Our group would performance about Sufi & Vani Show. Our talk show had a story about a famous star named Rain from Korean who torturing a maid from Indonesia, named Titiah. Rain would perform by Alfa and as a maid from Indonesia perform by Titiah. Actually, our group really nervous because we realized that we did not have practice optimally.

Then, our group started our performance with opening from Vani and me as presenter. Although, there were some mistakes happen but show still go on. We tried to give the best performance as can as possible. But I felt enjoy it, and felt no nervous anymore. I was so happy, and this was a nice experience for me. And our show finished. We got some critics from Mrs. Kun about our performance. But, our groups try to accept it. And the most important things were today I got many new experiences such as how to perform in front of the class, how to become a good presenter, how to increase my pronunciation and also vocabulary, and also how to felt relax without nervous with practice regularly. And I felt so happy today, just one word, amazing!

Jurnal entry/Sufyan Suri/1

My Journal

Jakarta, October 26th 2009

Hm, amazing, that was my expression today. Today was really a nice day. I got so many new experiences and also new things today. I learnt about how to become confident of myself when I performed something in front of the class. Yup, today our class has plan to made a talk show performance, and every students has to gave a talk show with groups. We had four groups with four students in groups.

Absolutely, I was so nervous! I really afraid to came into the class. Oh my god, I hope Mrs. Kun Herrini as our lecture forgot that today we had a special performance. But, unfortunately she knew about it. She gave a command to each of groups to prepare their performance before they do it in front of the class. She was also took some audiences from the other class to watch our group’s performance. Uh, it was really made me felt more nervous. But, I tried to make myself become enjoy.

And now turn to our group to perform after the previous groups. Our group would performance about Sufi & Vani Show. Our talk show had a story about a famous star named Rain from Korean who torturing a maid from Indonesia, named Titiah. Rain would perform by Alfa and as a maid from Indonesia perform by Titiah. Actually, our group really nervous because we realized that we did not have practice optimally.

Then, our group started our performance with opening from Vani and me as presenter. Although, there were some mistakes happen but show still go on. We tried to give the best performance as can as possible. But I felt enjoy it, and felt no nervous anymore. I was so happy, and this was a nice experience for me. And our show finished. We got some critics from Mrs. Kun about our performance. But, our groups try to accept it. And the most important things were today I got many new experiences such as how to perform in front of the class, how to become a good presenter, how to increase my pronunciation and also vocabulary, and also how to felt relax without nervous with practice regularly. And I felt so happy today, just one word, amazing!

Biography/Sufyan Suri/1


Meriyah was born on June 25th, 1987 in Jakarta. She lives on Kampung Puis Street No. 61 South Jakarta. Her father is Sahuri and her mother is Sunati. Meriyah is a nice girl, friendly and also kind-hearted. She always fight and never fall to despair in her life.

Meriyah comes from a little family. Her father, Sahuri is ex-parking guard and he does not get any job for now. Her mother, Sunati is a housewife. Meriyah is the second from two children. Her old sister is Surniti and she is work as SPG at Plaza Senayan Jakarta. Meriyah loves her family so much, and she want to make her family happy with her.

In 1994, she entered Elementary School in SD Kebon Duren 2 Ciputat. She was one of smart student there. But, she got a problem when her father ill and had to go to hospital. Meriyah’s family was so confuse, because they didn’t have enough money to finance her father treatment in hospital. Meriyah’s family decided to stop Meriyah from her school when she was still in the second grade. This decision really made her felt so sad, but the little Meriyah tried to accept this decision. Luckily, she could continue her study again after her father got healthy, but she had to wait for one year.

After she passed Elementary School, she continued her study to Junior High School. In 2001, she entered SMPN 185 Jakarta. She was one of the smart students there, and she proved it with got the best student in final examination in her Junior High School.

After passed her Junior High School, in 2004 she continued her study to Senior High School in SMA 45 Jakarta. And again, she proved herself that she is a smart person by got the best student in final examination again. After graduated from Senior High School, Meriyah got a dilemma, she wanted to go to college, but she can not do that, so she decided to go to work.

Her first job was in Carrefour as a SPG. She worked there just for one month. After that she stopped from there, and got a job in PT. Rejeki Aquarium as Administrator Development. She did not fell so happy with this job, so she decided to search for the other job. She got one job in Yayasan Obor Indonesia (Book Publishing) as a Receptionist.

Luckily, in 2009 she got a scholarship from Sampoerna Foundation in Sampoerna School of Education. She fought for this scholarship through a difficult selection process, and she was success get it. And now, she is still register as a student at Sampoerna School of Education.

Reading Impression/Sufyan Suri/2009110031/3

Global Warming

I have read an article about global warming. I was so interested when I read this article, because it gave me information the dangers of global warming. Global warming has become one of most important topic to discuss in our world. The factors make global warming problems appear are like increasing of CO2 concentrate in our atmosphere and the increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

There are so many effects around the world because of global warming, for example increasing the average temperature of the earth, climate change, radioactive forcing, and also increasing of aerosols and soot. What we should do to solve it?

Actually, there are so many political and public debate about what will we do to face this problem. One of the solutions is about Kyoto Protocol that aimed at reducing green house gas emission. And, most of national governments have signed and ratified it. The most important thing is we must considering that as a human we have responsibility to make our earth be a better place for our next generations.

After read this article, I want to change my habitually. I want to become a person who cares with nature. So, from now let’s we keep our earth, and I hope one day we can say good bye to global warming

Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming

Jurnal entry/Sufyan Suri/1


Jakarta, October 26th 2009

Hm, amazing, that was my expression today. Today was really a nice day. I got so many new experiences and also new things today. I learnt about how to become confident of myself when I performed something in front of the class. Yup, today our class has plan to made a talk show performance, and every students has to gave a talk show with groups. We had four groups with four students in groups.

Absolutely, I was so nervous! I really afraid to came into the class. Oh my god, I hope Mrs. Kun Herrini as our lecture forgot that today we had a special performance. But, unfortunately she knew about it. She gave a command to each of groups to prepare their performance before they do it in front of the class. She was also took some audiences from the other class to watch our group’s performance. Uh, it was really made me felt more nervous. But, I tried to make myself become enjoy.

And now turn to our group to perform after the previous groups. Our group would performance about Sufi & Vani Show. Our talk show had a story about a famous star named Rain from Korean who torturing a maid from Indonesia, named Titiah. Rain would perform by Alfa and as a maid from Indonesia perform by Titiah. Actually, our group really nervous because we realized that we did not have practice optimally.

Then, our group started our performance with opening from Vani and me as presenter. Although, there were some mistakes happen but show still go on. We tried to give the best performance as can as possible. But I felt enjoy it, and felt no nervous anymore. I was so happy, and this was a nice experience for me. And our show finished. We got some critics from Mrs. Kun about our performance. But, our groups try to accept it. And the most important things were today I got many new experiences such as how to perform in front of the class, how to become a good presenter, how to increase my pronunciation and also vocabulary, and also how to felt relax without nervous with practice regularly. And I felt so happy today, just one word, amazing!

Reflection/Who am i as a learner/Sufyan Suri/Midtest3

Who Am I as A Learner?

I am a learner and always will be learner. Of course, not only me, but every human was born to the world to become a learner. Can you imagine how we can become like now from a baby, adolescence to adult? It’s has a process, and that process is learning. Learner is a character for every human, and every human have to know their ability in learning.

Actually each of us has different perception about learning methods, and we have different concepts in learning. Howard Gardner in his multiple intelligences theory said that there were so many aspects in human intelligence, personality and behavior. He divides our skills in learning to seven Multiple Intelligences like linguistic, logical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and auditory (musical). So, we can conclude every human have different concepts in learning.

The most important question is who am I as a learner? Absolutely, I am still difficult to describe who I am as a learner. As a learner, I still confused about myself. Sometimes, I am feel enjoy when I learn something with uses picture or graphs, or viewing an illustration will make me more understand about something. Am I a visual? Sometimes, I feel more focus and also understand in the class if my teachers have good ability in speak when they explain subjects in front of the class. Am I an auditory? So, is it possible that I am a visual and also an auditory?

As a learner, I always try to be better person than before. I always try to searching new knowledge, because the most essential thing from a learner is always increase the experience and also the knowledge in life. That is me as a learner. And now, I would like to ask to you, who you are as a learner?

Reading Impression/Sufyan Suri/2009110031/3

Global Warming

I have read an article about global warming. I was so interested when I read this article, because it gave me information the dangers of global warming. Global warming has become one of most important topic to discuss in our world. The factors make global warming problems appear are like increasing of CO2 concentrate in our atmosphere and the increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

There are so many effects around the world because of global warming, for example increasing the average temperature of the earth, climate change, radioactive forcing, and also increasing of aerosols and soot. What we should do to solve it?

Actually, there are so many political and public debate about what will we do to face this problem. One of the solutions is about Kyoto Protocol that aimed at reducing green house gas emission. And, most of national governments have signed and ratified it. The most important thing is we must considering that as a human we have responsibility to make our earth be a better place for our next generations.

After read this article, I want to change my habitually. I want to become a person who cares with nature. So, from now let’s we keep our earth, and I hope one day we can say good bye to global warming

Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming

Summary/Video Camera/Sufyan Suri/1


Video camera was invented by John Logie Baird and first used by BBC in their experimental broadcast in 1930s. It is one of kind from variety of camera development technology that can use to record images and sound, it is also able to make an electronic motion picture. It is usually used in a television industry. It becomes so popular now, as popular as development of digital technology in our modern era. In 1956 when the video camera found it has a big shape, but now it becomes smaller. Nowadays, it has so many varieties like professional video cameras, closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV), camcorders, digital cameras, and video camera for satellite. Each type has different design and uses. The most important thing is the video camera helps us to capture and maintain all important moments in our life.





Minggu, 22 November 2009

Reading Impression_Umi Faridha_2009120035_3

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( President of Indonesia ) and
Barack Husein Obama ( President of USA) use the kungfu tang clothes

In 14 November 2009, Singapore held the KTT of APEC. This conference was be presented by 20 president. One of them is Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. In other hand, Obama was reported if he can not present. But in fact, he only was late a view hours. Surprisingly, Susilo and Obama used the same blue pattern clothes.

This news is interesting for mebecause Obama and Susilo are the head of Demokrat in their own nations. Demokrat is identical with blue. In the photography session, Obama and Susilo were placed closer. The same color and pattern that they used looked on purposed. Moreover, in this conference the preventatives must use the kungfu tang clothes from Singapore.

Reading Impression_Meriyah_2009120030_3

Kindergarten teacher

I have read article about teacher’s kindergarten in Semarang. Her name is Uniah. She was 39 years old. She had small wages from it. To support her financial, she had to do another job as dishwasher at little restaurant. Her wages as a kindergarten teacher was not sufficient. Each month he received only net fee Rp180.000 plus transportation Rp30.000 and Rp20.000 for lunch. It was a little helped by incentives Rp200.000 per month from the government granted six months. She and her husband stayed at rent house with two children. Even though she got Rp.500.000 per month from her husband but it was not enough to pay her daily need. My point of view about it was teachers’ financial problem is part of education’s problems. The low salary of teacher cause effect the shortage of interesting of being a teacher, because their will choose to find another job that have high salary. If that happen it can make the low quality of education in Indonesia, because there is no teacher for teach the student.

I got another fact form the article that According to the Chairman of Forum Communications Private Kindergarten Teachers Semarang District Nur Ida Farida, Uniah conditions was largely private kindergarten teachers in the district of Semarang. At least there is 1082 private kindergarten teacher in Semarang District with elementary education level by 10 people, Junior (46), SMA (522), D-2 (359), and S-1 (145). I think minimum standard of kindergarten teacher education is SMA. The teacher who graduated from elementary and junior education can’t teach effectively, because their ability was limited. Kindergarten is first level of education that can make the good condition for the first pattern of children’s mind. When it had created well, it can make them easier to understand about next lesson that more difficult in elementary school. High teacher education also aims to create students who qualified for generations in the future.

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Reflection/Shinta Puspita Kencanasari/MID3

Who Am I as A Learner?

Dr. Georgi Lezanov divides learning process into three parts. Those are visual, auditory and kinesthetic process. Visual process is learning process that uses eyes or vision as tools to absorb and understand information. Auditory process is learning process that uses ears or hearing instruments as tools to absorb information maximally. Kinesthetic process is learning process that uses moving, touching or doing thoroughly to understand the information. This kind of learning process is called by VAK (visual, auditory and kinesthetic).

A visual learner has characteristics such as: can be easier to remember visual things than listen for something, likes to read, has problems to remember verbal instruction except if it is written down and speak faster.

An auditory learner has characteristics such as: likes speak to their selves when they do something, easily to disturbed by noisy, has good intonation in speaking and always be a good speaker.

Characteristics of a kinesthetic learner, such as: speak slowly, not easily to disturbed by noisy, learning by doing, likes hard games and memorizing by walking and seeing.

I always learn with reading and doing directly. For example, I like some lessons that I can practice it directly when I am learning. Because I have trouble if I should to only hear the instructions without see and practice it. And I like reading graphics, mechanical drawings and power point slides better than reading one long article. I like reading books with big font, big space line and have colorful pictures. I’d rather to writing a power point report than writing a paper report.

Based on VAK theory, I have visual and kinesthetic characteristics. Between visual and kinesthetic, I have more characteristics in visual learner than kinesthetic learner. So, I can conclude that I am a visual learner.

Summary/Shinta Puspita Kencanasari/MID1


Radio is a technology that utilizes signal transmission and modulation by electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic waves). Radio invented by Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937). He started to make the radio in 1984 after he was inspired by the results of Hertz Heinritch’s experiments in electromagnetic waves.

At first, the radio was only used for long-distance wireless communication. But in radio’s development, it was also used for commercial broadcasting. Commercial broadcasting started since 20s. Commercial radio broadcasts is not only news and music, but also include drama, comedy, variety shows, and others entertainment.

Nowadays, Radio has been developing. Radio has some advantages and weaknesses compared with others electronic communications. The advantages of the radio are communicating information quickly and can be enjoyed by everyone. While the weaknesses of the radio are can not repetition in broadcasting and have no visualization.

1. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio
2. http://media.isnet.org/iptek/100/Marconi.html
3. http://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090829071726AAjP50T
4. http://periodismoenlinea.wordpress.com/2008/01/29/kekurangan-dan-kelebihan-media/
5. http://sman11mks.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&id=33480&catid=64&Itemid=76