Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Sufi's Biography (by Meriyah)


Name : Sufyan Suri

Date of Birth : 20th April 1992

Place of Birth : Kota Baru, Kalimantan Selatan

Address : Jl. Kapten Tandean No.47 Jakarta Selatan

Hobbies : 1. Write short stories

2. Write Poetry

3. Reading Books

4. Listening to the music

Favorite Singer : Shania Twain, Michael Jackson and Hadad Alwi

Education :

  1. SD N 5 Baharu Selatan, Kotabaru - 2004
  2. SMP N 5 Kotabaru – 2007
  3. SMA N 01 Kotabaru – 2009

Achievment :

- Be Honor student in Elementary School

- Be Honor student in Junior High School

- First Winner of telling folklore stories in Banjar’s language

- First Winner of Electricity of Scientific Paper competition, on junior high school level, in Province of Kalimantan Selatan and Kalimantan Tengah

- First Winner of Physics Olympiad, on Regency level

- Published His poetry and short stories in Horizons Magazine, Kompas, Banjarmasin Post

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